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  • In the pursuit of sustainable packaging solutions, our focus delves into the intricate world of sustainable coffee bags and their barrier performance. This article aims to uncover the layers of exploration surrounding the necessity of effective barrier protection, emphasizing the significance of mul
  • Most packaging bags that are manufactured from plastic, do you hear about compostable coffee bags? 100% biodegradable PLA material, PLA is made from corn starch. Biodegradable PLA, which is a renewable resource, and the biodegradable coffee bags can be degraded into H2O and CO2 when buried in the so
  • Plastic bags are among the most common sources of marine debris, where they can be mistaken as food by birds and fish.Plastic bags don’t biodegrade, meaning it will take hundreds of years for them to decompose in a landfill.Recycling a ton of plastic bags (about 450,000 bags) saves 11 barrels of oil

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